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Germany (University)

S.No. Universities
1 Arden University
2 Berlin University of the Arts
3 Berlline School of Business and Innovation (BSBI)
4 Bielefeld University
5 Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane
6 Brandenburg University of Technology
7 Bundeswehr University Munich
8 Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
9 Charles University in Prague (Karls-Universität) - The first German university
10 Chemnitz University of Technology
11 Clausthal University of Technology
12 Darmstadt University of Technology
13 Dresden University of Technology
14 EU Business School
15 Franco-German University
16 Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
17 Freiberg University of Mining and Technology
18 Free University of Berlin
20 Goethe University Frankfurt
21 Hannover Medical School
22 HafenCity University Hamburg
23 Hamburg University of Technology
24 Heidelberg University
25 Helmut Schmidt University
26 Hertie School of Governance
27 Hochschule Bremen
28 Humboldt University of Berlin
29 Ilmenau University of Technology
30 International Hochschule GmbH (IUBH)
31 International School of Management ISM
32 Jacobs University Bremen
33 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
34 Kühne Logistics University
35 Leibniz University Hannover
36 Leipzig University
S.No. Universities
37 Leuphana University of Lüneburg
38 Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
39 Macromedia University
40 Kaiserslautern University of Technology
41 MDH Media Design University
42 Medical School Berlin
43 Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
44 Ruhr University Bochum
45 RWTH Aachen
46 RWTH Aachen University
47 Saarland University
48 SRH
49 Technical University of Munich
50 Technical University of Ilmenau
51 Technische Universität Berlin
52 TU Dortmund University
53 UE- University fo Applied Sciences
54 Ukrainian Free University Munich
55 University of Augsburg
56 University of Bamberg
57 University of Bayreuth
58 University of Bonn
59 University of Bremen
60 University of Cologne
61 University of Duisburg-Essen
62 University of Düsseldorf
63 University of Erfurt
64 University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
65 University of Flensburg
66 University of Göttingen
67 University of Freiburg
68 University of Giessen
69 University of Greifswald
70 University of Hagen
71 University of Halle-Wittenberg
72 University of Halle-Wittenberg (also in Halle)
73 University of Hamburg
S.No. Universities
74 University of Heidelberg
75 University of Hildesheim
76 University of Hohenheim
77 University of Jena
78 University of Kassel
79 University of Kiel
80 University of Koblenz-Landau
81 University of Konstanz
82 University of Leipzig
83 University of Lübeck
84 University of Lüneburg
85 University of Magdeburg
86 University of Mainz
87 University of Mannheim
88 University of Marburg
89 University of Munich
90 University of Münster
91 University of Oldenburg
92 University of Osnabrück
93 University of Paderborn
94 University of Passau
95 University of Potsdam
96 University of Regensburg
97 University of Rostock
98 University of Siegen
99 University of Stuttgart
100 University of Technology Nuremberg
101 University of Trier
102 University of Tübingen
103 University of Ulm
104 University of Vechta
105 University of Weimar
106 University of Wuppertal
107 University of Würzburg
108 Viadrina University (Frankfurt an der Oder)
109 Witten/Herdecke University
110 Zeppelin University (Friedrichshafen)